Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day 44 - Zing?

A recent conversation with my landlady (anyone looking for an apartment in State College, PA?):

(I'm talking to her about giving up my lease, since I'm deferring a semester, and she knows the general situation as I got burned while starting a fire with gasoline)

Her: So how are you doing dear?
Me: Oh, much better, thanks! Just one spot on my right thigh that's still healing.
Her: Well, I guess you've learned your lesson, haven't you.
Me: *blink* Uh, heh, yeah, I guess I have.
Her: I bet your mother must say that to you every day!
Me: Well, no. She doesn't. She's very sensitive to my feelings on the subject.
Her: *awkward moment of realization* Oh! I'm sorry!
Me: It's okay, more people say that than you would think... etc etc

And it's true. There haven't been many, but there have been a handful of people who have looked at me - looked down at me from their high horses - and proclaimed from on high "WELL I GUESS YOU'VE LEARNED YOUR LESSON!" I don't even know what to say to that. Well, except what I have been saying, which is 'Heh, yeah, I'll say!' (smile, nod, walk away) Anyway. I just find it annoying (infuriating) and wish people wouldn't toss out that phrase quite so lightly. Or even at all.

I totally won in that conversation though. Zing.

Today has had its ups and downs! Mostly ups though :). We went to see Greg at the bike shop (Class Cycles, Southbury, CT - best bike people around!!) to look for a pair of bike shorts. I've graduated to compression on my legs, and my Widows leggings aren't going to cut it! Roy, the owner, mentioned that athletes nowadays are using actual compression tights after races and stuff, which I find fascinating. I would imagine it would shorten recovery time (after a race) drastically! We ended up with a full length pair of thermal tights, but we might order the others later.

The down was that when I got home, I decided I would clean up the pile of wood that I tried to burn. Most of the pieces were light and easily moved, but one was big and unwieldy, and I ended up banging my leg on it. YEOWCH.  But, all the wood is moved and it looks nicer now.

I think that's about it - OH. Dan came over tonight and we had a pretty good game of battleship. Unmedicated, I trounced him. ;) And I even knew whose turn it was most of the time.

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