Monday, August 8, 2011

Day 41 - Wound Center Appointment

Today I had a check-up at the Wound Center. One of the things I've been thinking about is how this experience has made it so much easier to just absolutely and completely love people I've hardly met. This is one of the few times in my life (at least in recent years) that I've had to completely rely on other people. Their receptiveness to me, pride in my small accomplishments, encouragement through everything... I could go on and on (and I have). So many small things that make such an enormous difference.

Anyway, my appointment went pretty well.  My right thigh wound, which was the deepest of all my wounds, had 'hyper-granulated', meaning that, well, it basically pulled a teacher's pet and outdid itself. The center of the wound was deep, and so the skin had to grow up from underneath before it could heal over. Unfortunately, it got going too quickly and made a sort of mini-mountain in the middle - an area of raised open wound. 'Skin can't go up mountains' is pretty much what they told me, and the skin that had grown (it's hyper-granulated, remember?) wasn't particularly good quality. So, they burned it back off. Ouch. First they numbed up the area, then they brought out these tiny sticks of silver nitrate (remember my friend from before?). They actually looked just like matches, with concentrated AgNO3 on the tips. So I got a nice, under control chemical burn. Then they bandaged me up, and asked if I'd like to push my appointment out to 3 weeks this time. NO! said I. So 2 weeks it is.

After I went to visit my friends in the burn unit, and to show them my progress. Needless to say, they were very happy to see me, and very impressed with my new skin! (I'm pretty impressed with my new skin too, when it isn't itching.) I asked them about volunteering, and they gave me the number of the Bridgeport volunteering office, and also looked up for me a society of burn survivors that work to help other burn patients. I'm excited about looking into that a lot more. I wasn't able to see the collies this week (alas!) but hopefully when I go back in 2 weeks I'll be able to arrange a meeting :D.

This post is getting pretty rambly (probably because of the hour) so I'll just wrap it up here!

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