Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 33 - Approximately 1 month later

Wow. If someone had told me while I was in the hospital that in a month I'd be home walking around mostly healed, I'm not sure I would have believed them. I think that at first, I thought I'd be in and out of the hospital and healed up in max 2 weeks. Then they said I'd be there for 2-4 weeks, and I started trying to walk... anyway, I can't honestly say that I'm amazed, but I'm so happy to be here, both at home and at this stage of healing. I only have one more bandage, which will probably be on for only another week or two!

In a way, that's kind of frustrating because the potential is there for me to go to school. Physically, superficially (I wanted to write surficially, but that isn't a word), I can tell myself that I'd be ready, but I'd be lying and wrong. Frankly, I don't have the stamina to make it through a regular day at Wellesley, let alone adding TAing and doing research and getting myself to and from Penn State. And, well, I'm not ready to be on my own so much of the time. I'm going to be talking to my advisor at PSU tomorrow to work out some stuff for me to do so I won't just be twiddling my thumbs, and knowing I'll be accomplishing something does a lot to make deferring a semester easier.

And... that's the update!

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