Friday, July 22, 2011

Day 23, Part 1

Time heals all things. At least, that's what they say - and while I do believe them, sometimes, time moves a little bit too slowly. Writing about things helps me heal. This is something I know very well about myself - and so, a blog. This way, I don't have to keep posting snippets on facebook, and you, dear friends, can be thoroughly updated on my progress.

So, here are some things you need to know:

I'm okay. I am healing incredibly fast. I am okay.

This is a long-term healing process. Though I hope to be recovered enough by January to head off to State College, I will not be fully healed (as determined by my awesome doctors) for an entire year.

There will be zero tolerance for pity. This is perhaps something that is more appropriate for in-person visits, but I can see it being relevant here too. I'm probably going to put a sign on my front door that says something like 'NO PITY ZONE' or maybe something else that makes more sense faster. I'm okay. I am healing incredibly fast. I don't need pity.

What I do need is the occasional 'Hey Nooreen! How's it going? Let me tell you xyz about what I've been doing!' to remind me that there are other people out there besides my family, my physical therapist, my nurse, and my doctors. I promise that as I settle into more of a routine I will correspond (for lack of a better word) better.

... I think that's it.

So! There's a lot of catching up to do, but I think I'll try to separate stuff out into individual posts so that you don't have to read what you aren't interested in. Thank you for joining me on this journey, and thank you for the oceans of love and support you've been sending me - I know this first post is a little bit snarky, and I'm sorry for that - you have been so wonderful, and, as per a previous facebook post, I love you all so much for it. Thank you.

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